Keep it Cold!

What! A gardener wanting it to stay cold?   There is a reason…

The bulbs planted before Christmas to be in flower for the Farmers Market in 4 weeks’ time, have been too keen, some of the daffodils and crocus are in bud, so we are relying on the weather to slow them down.  They have to hang on another month.

2013-01-30 15.08.38

Our customers will not want to buy foliage, they want the buds!  We moved all the bulbs out of the poly-tunnel last week to try to slow them down.  So we are hoping for the cold weather to continue to stop them flowering yet.

The remaining plans for the market are going well.  The other classes have sown salad and herb crops and they are all germinating nicely.  The top class are planning their sunflower competition and there is a team at school designing posters for the local notice boards.

Our friends at Northleigh are building bird boxes and planting sweet peas, and Faye at the Soil Association has been finding local producers to come and sell their products, including

  • Beeswax products and honey
  • Beef
  • Breads
  • Cheese and chutneys
  • Cordials
  • Sausages

The WI is running a stall and the PTA will be selling teas and cupcakes.

Various stalls will have eggs, biscuits and sweets to sell.  All in all plenty of reasons for you to come and see us on 8 March at 2.30 and to buy your Mother’s Day treats.

There will be more about the Farmers Market and the garden next time.  In the meantime, keep warm and Happy Planting!